Profit First Review

It is so simple, why didn’t I think of it?

The basic idea of Profit first is so fundamental to how I operate my accounts that I cannot give Mike Michalowicz enough thank yous.

For years, I had toyed with the idea of using multiple accounts, but using Profit First solidified for me the three essential rules that I could not wrap my thoughts around.

  1. Pay yourself first. I spent years asking myself exactly what that meant. I got bills, and I do not allocate extra money. There never is any! When Mike explained the idea that profit is pulled and never returned to business and my expenses. It clicked. It is one form of self-honoring that I have come to appreciate. — Added Later (August 26, 2021), stayed another way. I spend on my ideas first. An example is buying a fish finder for the boat. I buy it in my savings account, but I do not actually go get one. This accomplishes two things.
    1. The money disappears just as before excepts in an account I do not look at.
    2. I bought and in my mind and stored in the corner with all the crap I have collected and that I never get around to using.
  2. I love Dave Ramsey and others who extoll the virtues of the envelop system, but how does that work with the accounts that I use every day? Queue the drum roll…Profit First. By opening five or more accounts, I understood Parkinson’s Law and the envelop method.
  3. “It is not what you make. It is what you manage” — Mike Michalowicz. It is thankful for the gifts we already own. Chase more if you want, but are you satisfied with what you already possess?

It is several months later, and I am just as excited today as when I first started. Thank you, Mike, for explaining in a simple form the reasoning behind the Profit First system. 

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